Thursday, December 22, 2022

Winter's Rest and Spring Changes at the DTFarm


Good afternoon friends,

      12 years ago my friend and colleague Erik Quissell and I proposed a grand idea to the Cathedral of the Rockies and Ken Anderson (our now retired principal).  It was our optimistic vision of a garden and habitat on the corner of 12th and Fort Street, cared for by teams of science students and community gardeners.  So much has changed in the neighborhoods of Boise since then, and the beautiful Downtown Teaching Farm is a treasured green space for many.   Thousands of students have spent time learning at the farm over the years, and for that, I couldn't be more proud.  After 12 years of shepherding life, volunteers, and teens at the Downtown Teaching Farm, I just wanted to reach out to say thank you for trusting me in this role, and I am stepping down from my leadership roles at the farm.  


     This past July I quite suddenly accepted a leadership position that took me to the Boise Schools District office, where I now can support school gardens and science classrooms throughout the district.  There's so much potential, and a lot of work to do.  Since I am no longer at Boise High, it makes sense to pass the proverbial torch.  I will help with a communication shift once the new leadership team is ready, and I can't wait to see what a breath of life and creativity new leadership will bring to the project. I plan to volunteer as a DT farmer and everlasting proud Boise Brave.        

    I have so many memories, I quite literally feel as if I raised my family down at the farm with all of you, stuffed vegetables into backpacks, harvested for the cafeterias, held food truck rallies and learning summits, and learned how to keep bees, rehabilitate soil, be seed farmers, reduce waste from the school and the neighborhood; I learned an absolutely expansive amount about urban ecosystems and students from this experience.  I am so grateful to all of you who have helped along the way.  

     I wish each of you a peaceful holiday season, well-deserved rest, and a stocking full of seeds and seed catalogs to set your spring dreaming in motion.   

Please stay in touch, I value each of you,

Ali Ward
BSD Science and Sustainability Supervisor 

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