Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall 2012 Update: Part 1

Summer 2012 in Photos

A Lovely Row of Brassicas

Backlit Cabbage, with Dill

Sunflower Beetles  

Harvest Basket, for a Friendship Feast at FUMC

Epic Garlic Harvest

Soil Testing, and Garlic Harvest

Mom's not Looking...

Soil Testing
Flamingo time!

Savory Swiss Chard

Chile's Anyone?

Garlic Before Cleaning

Healthy Pollinators

Marigold Composition

Washing the Harvest for a Friendship Feast

Emma and Owen = Helpers!

Some of our youngest...

Pat, Tending the Basil

Pepper Donation to the Create Common Good Program

Create Common Good, STIR

Work Party from Utah

Idaho Potatoes